Free creation of a gallery of your own designs

If you are crazy about creating unique designs for clothes and othe goods, you can
become a member of the Wall31 art platform and spread your ideas
Worldwide. You will learn how to do this on this page.

How to create your gallery?
Royalty to the author from each product sold
Men's / Women's
$ 3.6 / from each sale
Men's / Women's
$ 6.00 / from each sale
Men's / Women's
$ 6.8 / from each sale
$ 2.0 / from each sale
Eco bags
Eco bags
Casual bags
$ 2.0 / from each sale
$ 2.0 / from each sale
Personal gallery for the author

Become the owner of your own gallery designs on Wall 31 and distribute your ideas to the whole world

Competitive royalty on the market

We offer participating authors competitive rates for the sale of each goods on the art platform Wall 31

Copyright protection rights for participants

Wall 31 protects you and your work plan legal field and all rights to designs remain for you

Delivery of goods around the world

Goods with your designs will be delivered by customers to any point world without obstacles

Become an author on Wall 31
In order to become an author on Wall 31 and upload your own designs, you need to register in the following form. Your application will be sent for review and approval.
Drag the image to this area or click the button below
The image size must be at least 200x200 px and no more than 3 MB
Drag the image to this area or click the button below
Image size must be strictly 2400x600 px and no more than 3 MB
Fill in the application form as an author

Please provide reliable information about yourself and show a portfolio of works that belong to you. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to participate as an author on Wall31.

Get a copy of the contract print, sign and send to Wall31 moderators by mail

Upon successful completion of the first stage, a link to a PDF file of the contract will be sent to you, which you will need to carefully read, sign, and send to us.

Confirmation of the author's participation on the Wall 31 platform


As soon as we receive a signed contract from you in electronic or paper form, we check everything again and admit you as an author on Wall31.
From the moment you receive the message, you will be able to log in into your account and start uploading your designs and creating the first goods for sale.