Wall 31 changes every substandard product

Returns - 1


  1. Goods return
    - We are returning goods within 14 days after receipt.
    - We are covering return delivery costs in case of our mistakes
    - Refunds are made within 3 working days after we receive the goods
  2. Goods exchange:
    - The exchange is made within 3 working days after we receive the goods
    - Exchange at your expense, if the size / design / color is not according to the order
    - Exchange at our expense, if there was an error in the order
  3. Important: The goods must be sent in proper conditions (not damaged) in the form that came to you; otherwise the company reserves the right to refuse to return or exchange the goods.


To make a refund / exchange - please send us a return request.


Create a product return request
* - Required fields